Develop an open-source computational platform to simulate streaming processes in the cells at the mesoscale.
F. Sterpone’s team is part of the Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique, hosted at the Institute de Biologie et Physico-Chimie. LBT is a laboratory of the CNRS. F. Sterpone develops and applies computational techniques to investigate biological processes at different scales like protein dynamics and stability in crowded cell-like conditions, amyloid aggregation, and protein clustering. He contributes to extending the lattice Boltzmann MD simulations to the realm of biosystems in order to investigate how hydrodynamic interactions, and fluid flows, influence the behavior of molecular agents in-cell conditions and beyond. The Sterpone’s team is embedded in a very dynamics scientific environment. The LBT research focuses on bio-molecular simulations with both applicative (membrane proteins, DNA/RNA, amyloid systems) and development lines (coarse-graining, hydrodynamics, free-energy-calculation, ML approaches). The laboratory has his own computational infrastructures (cluster equipped with GPUs and storage, virtual reality wall) and has direct access to national computational centres.
The research will be performed in tight collaboration with Dr. M. Lauricella. M. Lauricella is an expert in atomistic computational methods, both quantum and classical, and mesoscale simulation via Lattice Boltzmann methods. His research interests include the dynamics of multicomponent fluids (e.g., emulsions, foams), transition phase processes, and nucleation phenomena. He is one of the authors of LBSoft, a specific-purpose open-source software for soft glassy emulsion simulations, and LBcuda, a cuda version of LBSoft for GPU-based HPC clusters. Both codes are based on highly parallelized implementations of Lattice Boltzmann solvers for computational fluid dynamics. M. Lauricella works at IAC-CNR, and his group (fluid matter) is focused on developing mathematical models and generating numerical simulations for particle and fluid systems in classical, quantum, and relativistic conditions. In particular, the dynamics of fluids (ideal, viscous, non-Newtonian, etc.) are studied at all scales of applicative interest in several contexts. |
ED 388 - Chimie physique et Chimie analytique de Paris centre |
Interdisciplinary approach for the characterization of secondary metabolites in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina: to a better understanding of fungal physiology and the isolation of new bioactive metabolites
CiTCoM UMR CNRS 8038, équipe PNAS |
ED 563 - Médicament,Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries |
Functional consequences and therapeutic potential arising from the identification of CD160-TM as a tumor marker of breast cancers
INSERM U976 / HIPI - Team 1 (Onco-dermatology and Therapies) |
ED 561 - Hématologie, Oncogénèse et Biothérapies |
Foundation Models for Time Series Analysis: Zero-shot Learning and Scaling Laws
LIPADE, diNo |
ED 130 - Informatique, Telecommunications et Electronique de Paris |
DNA Damage Response/ STING signaling implication during liver tumorigenesis
ED 562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité |
Iron organo-mineral association in the dissolved and suspended load of the black river streams along the hydrological cycle and during storm events.
Biogeochemistry at the Anthropocene of Elements and Emerging Contaminants
Université Paris Cité, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRS, IGN, F-75238 Paris, France |
ED 560 - Sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement et Physique de l'Univers |
The Overlap of Sleep Apnea and ADHD: Unraveling Behavioral and Cognitive Pathways in Pediatric Populations
UMR 1141 NeuroDiderot
Equipe NeoPhen/SleepCMD
Hôpital Robert Debré
ED 158 - Cerveau, Cognition, Comportement |
Immobilization of thin multifunctional layers onto graphene materials and their use in electrocatalysis
Laboratoire Interfaces Traitements Organisation et DYnamique des Systèmes – ITODYS, UMR- CNRS 7086, Université Paris Cité |
ED 388 - Chimie physique et Chimie analytique de Paris centre |
Understanding the genetic susceptibility for primary aldosteronism
UMR_S 970 / Centre de recherche cardiovasculaire PARCC
Equipe ZENNARO - Génétique des pathologies associés à l'aldostérone - vers une médecine de précision intégrée |
ED 562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité |
Reducing quantum noise in the gravitational-wave detectors Virgo and its upgrades
The thesis will be performed in the Virgo group of the APC laboratory.
The AstroParticle and Cosmology Laboratory (APC) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR) created in 2005. The APC brings together 80 researchers and teacher-researchers, as well as 75 engineers, technicians and administrative staff. Including non-permanent staff (doctoral and post-doctoral students, contract engineers and technicians, apprentices and foreign visitors), the APC has a total staff of around 220. The APC is under the supervision of Université Paris Cité (UPCité) and CNRS, represented by three of its institutes: IN2P3 (the main institute), INSU and INP. The CEA (DSM/IRFU), the Observatoire de Paris and the CNES also supervise the laboratory.
The Virgo group of the APC, created in 2008, is composed of about 15 persons and covers various activities and responsibilities: development and construction of the detector and its upgrades, commissioning of Virgo, R&D in optics, for the development of new techniques for detector noise reduction, analysis and scientific interpretation of data.
The thesis will be carried out in the experimental part of the group consisting of 7 people, including a DR CNRS, a MCF UPCité, 2 PhD students, 2 postdocs, an IR
ED 560 - Sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement et Physique de l'Univers |
Glucocorticoid Hormone Receptors in Peripheral Nervous System Myelination
Unité Inserm UMRS1124 (T3S), HealthFex au 1er janvier 2025
Equipe 3. 'Myelination and nervous System Pathologies' |
ED 563 - Médicament,Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries |
Complex syllable onsets and sonority sequencing: Contributions from Japhug
Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (LLF) UMR 7110
ED 622 - Sciences du langage |
From bed heterogeneities and aeolian transport regimes to dune morphodynamics
Geological Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Université Paris Cité, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, CNRS, 75238 Paris cedex 05, France |
ED 560 - Sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement et Physique de l'Univers |
Mechanical efficiency of polymeric photoactuators: insights from quantum chemistry
The LIED (“Interdisciplinary Energy Research Institute”, CNRS, Univ. Paris Cité) aims at developing fundamental and applied science in response to the challenges of the “energy transition” with a focus on the interaction between energy, environment and climate. In this context, the LIED favors a global approach by a unique multi-disciplinary method with researchers working in biology, chemistry, physics, informatics as well as in social sciences. The conversion of solar energy, as defined in this PhD project, as well as its storage are among the LIED research axes.
Pr Aurélie Perrier was appointed full professor in the LIED institute in May 2023. She has been working for 20 years in the field of computational photochemistry, especially in the modeling of the optical properties of photoactive molecules (photoswitches such as DTE and fluorophores) in complex environments (solution, aggregate, within a peptide matrix, grafted on a nanoparticle, within multichromophoric systems) using tools such as TD-DFT, post-Hartree Force calculations and Molecular Dynamics simulations with classical force fields. She has published a series of joint experimental-theoretical works dedicated to DTE, relying on TD-DFT calculations and MD simulations, and articles dedicated to the modeling of the photomechanical motion in PPA using MD simulations. Since 2023, in the LIED institute, she works in the “Climate and energy in urban areas” group and is interested in the in silico design of molecules for the energy storage and conversion. The PhD will work closely with the main supervisor, with a collaboration with an experimental team led by Prof. Stéphane ALOISE (Lille University, France). |
ED 388 - Chimie physique et Chimie analytique de Paris centre |
Regards sur la nature : approche comparée des images de paysages entre Rome et la Chine ancienne
UMR 8210 Anthropologie et histoire des mondes anciens (Anhima) |
ED 624 - Sciences des sociétés |
Design and synthesis of m6A methyltransferases inhibitors
Unité de recherche : Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques - UMR8601 CNRS
Equipe: Chemistry of RNAs, Nucleosides, Peptides and Heterocycles |
ED 563 - Médicament,Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries |
To study the role of Emilin1 in diabetic kidney disease progression
INSERM U970, Paris Cardiovascular Center
Team Kidney, Vessels, immunity and Metabolism |
ED 562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité |
Investigation of 24(S)-Saringosterol promoted sciatic nerve remyelination by Liver X Receptorβ Pathway in acute nerve injury mice
Unité de recherche et équipe(
The LXR Activity and Peripheral Nerve Remyelination research conducted at the Faculty of Basic and Biomedical Sciences of Université Paris Cité is internationally renowned. The laboratory facilities and advanced technologies at Université Paris Cité are at the forefront of the field. The laboratory T3S is located in the faculty of Basic and Biomedical Sciences that hosts technological platforms and facilities allowing to accomplish the project (Cytop2BM, dedicated to molecular biology and biochemistry i.e RT-qPCR, Nanodrop, WB, etc; Confocal imaging platform with LSM880 Zeiss Airyscan confocal microscope; Animal Facility and behavioral phenotyping facility). The UMRS1124 also provides cell culture, histology and cell biology facilities.It is of great significance to master the technical and theoretical research methods in order to explore the mechanisms of LXR activity and peripheral nerve remyelination.
The research group "Myelination and Nervous system pathologies" works on myelination and demyelinating diseases with a long-lasting expertise in the field of nuclear receptors, especially in LXRs. The team research is periodically supported by grants from the ANR, ARSEP (Association for MS), AFM (French association for myopathies), ERA-NET Neuron, IdEx, FRM, FRC and others. |
ED 563 - Médicament,Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries |
Pushing the detection limit in nanoelectrochemistry via a current-to-photon conversion scheme using electrochemiluminescence :
Application to ultrafast single nanoparticle collision detection
Laboratory « Interfaces Traitements Organisation et DYnamique des Systèmes » (ITODYS), UMR CNRS 7086, Université Paris Cité. BioNano group (Christophe Demaille and Arnaud Chovin) |
ED 388 - Chimie physique et Chimie analytique de Paris centre |
Glucocorticoid Hormone Receptors in Peripheral Nervous System Myelination
Unité Inserm UMRS1124 (T3S), HealthFex au 1er janvier 2025
Equipe 3. 'Myelination and nervous System Pathologies' |
ED 563 - Médicament,Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries |
Identification of bacterial determinants of host responses to chronic Staphylococcus aureus infections
INSERM U1151 - CNRS UMR 8253
Université PARIS CITE UMR_S 1151
Team 7: Host Pathogen Integrative Biology |
ED 562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité |
Phraséologie et terminologie en anglais et/ou en français de spécialité
Centre de Linguistique Inter-langues, de Lexicologie, de Linguistique Anglaise et de Corpus et Atelier de Recherche sur la Parole (CLILLAC-ARP, EA 3967) |
ED 622 - Sciences du langage |
Analyse de discours ludiques
Centre de Linguistique Inter-langues, de Lexicologie, de Linguistique Anglaise et de Corpus et Atelier de Recherche sur la Parole (CLILLAC-ARP, EA 3967)
ED 622 - Sciences du langage |
Linguistic and Sociolinguistic aspects of Simplified / Planned languages
Centre de Linguistique Inter-langues, de Lexicologie, de Linguistique Anglaise et de Corpus et Atelier de Recherche sur la Parole (CLILLAC-ARP, EA 3967) |
ED 622 - Sciences du langage |
Inversion of seismic waveforms for petrological structure models and their validation via geodynamic-seismic simulation
Équipes de sismologie et de géosciences marines, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, Université Paris Cité, UMR7154 |
ED 560 - Sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement et Physique de l'Univers |
Sleep trajectories and physical functioning durig aging: a lifecourse approach.
Unit : CRESS, Centre of Research in Epidemiology and StatisticS, U1153
Team : EpiAgeing |
ED 393 - ED Pierre Louis de Santé Publique à Paris |
Development of Intrinsically Conductive Organic Cathodes for Advanced Rechargeable Batteries
The PhD student will join the TERE (Electron Transfer and Electrochemical Reactivity) team of the ITODYS laboratory, to which the current Laboratory of Molecular Electrochemistry will be merged from January 1st 2025. The PhD student will be under the supervision of Dr. Benoit Limoges, Research Director at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and co-supervision of Mathieu Branca, Assistant Professor at University Paris City.
This team currently comprises 5 permanent staff (1 CNRS Research Director, 1 Professor, 2 Assistant Professors and 1 assistant engineer), 1 post-doc and 4 PhD students.
The team has an internationally recognized expertise in electrochemistry of molecules and materials and has made several important fundamental contributions in the field of rechargeable aqueous batteries, notably by providing new insights in the charge storage mechanisms of different metal oxide electrode materials (TiO₂, MnO₂, WO3) as well as quinone-based composite electrodes. Among our most significant findings is on the role that multivalent metal cations can play as proton donors in the charge storage mechanism of a wide range of electrode materials in aqueous electrolytes. This better fundamental understanding of charge storage mechanisms and the role played by the electrolyte constituents has enabled us to propose technological advances.
List of 5 recent publications in the field:
[5] A unified charge storage mechanism to rationalize the electrochemical behavior of quinone-based organic electrodes in rechargeable aqueous batteries. W. Wang, V. Balland, M. Branca, B. Limoges, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 15230–50.
[6] Impact of Reversible Proton Insertion on the Electrochemistry of Electrode Materials Operating in Mild Aqueous Electrolytes: A Case Study with TiO2. N. Makivic, K. D. Harris; J-M. Tarascon, B. Limoges, V. Balland, Adv. Energy Mater., 2023, 13, 2203122.
[7] Evidence of Bulk Proton Insertion in Nanostructured Anatase and Amorphous TiO2 Electrodes. N. Makivic, J-Y Cho, K. D. Harris; J-M. Tarascon, B. Limoges, V. Balland, Chem. Mater., 2021, 33, 3436–48
[8] Accessing the Two-Electron Charge Storage Capacity of MnO2 in Mild Aqueous Electrolytes. M. Mateos, N. Makivic, Y-S Kim, B. Limoges, V. Balland, Adv. Energy Mater., 2020, 10, 2000332.
[9] On the Unsuspected Role of Multivalent Metal Ions on the Charge Storage of a Metal Oxide Electrode in Mild Aqueous Electrolytes. Y-S Kim, K. D. Harris, B. Limoges, V. Balland, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 8752–63. (part of the 2019 Chemical Science HOT Article Selection) |
ED 388 - Chimie physique et Chimie analytique de Paris centre |
Dynamiques socio-écologiques multi-échelles des solutions fondées sur la nature (SFN) face aux seuils environnementaux critiques en milieu urbain.
Rappelons les ambitions du LADYSS à l’origine. L’analyse croisée des dynamiques sociales et de la recomposition des espaces, thème central de notre laboratoire de recherche, s’inscrivait alors dans le prolongement d’un héritage ; celui des collectifs de chercheurs qui avaient été à son origine (GRMSE et Strates), celui d’une ambition partagée d’une mise en relation des dynamiques territoriales et des modifications sociales. L’idée qui réunissait ainsi les chercheurs de différentes disciplines – la géographie, la biogéographie, la sociologie, l’anthropologie, était l’analyse des processus de territorialisation de l’action individuelle et collective, déclinée en l’étude d’un système-monde, celle d’un quotidien fait de problèmes locaux, au travers d’objets particulièrement représentatifs des mutations des sociétés contemporaines, en particulier l’environnement.
Cette idée qui a guidé les problématiques de beaucoup de nos projets de recherche à partir de 2007 a pris une nouvelle actualité à l’heure de la révolution informatique, de l’affirmation des mondes virtuels : celle de la réaffirmation de la place de la matérialité, de la naturalité, des territoires dans la construction des liens sociaux. Cette réaffirmation n’allait pas sans ancrage méthodologique : l’interdisciplinarité a toujours figuré au rang des réflexions privilégiées des chercheurs du LADYSS et constitue un repère identitaire des membres de ce laboratoire. Entrer au LADYSS, c’est, d’une certaine manière, accepter de faire le jeu de cette interdisciplinarité, tant interne, entre chercheurs de sciences humaines et sociales, qu’externe, entre chercheurs de sciences humaines et sociales et chercheurs des sciences de la vie et de la matière.
À cette configuration disciplinaire d’origine, s’est intégré un collectif d’économistes dont les approches spécifiques du terrain et notamment l’analyse économique de données quantitatives et/ou qualitatives est venue renforcer et nourrir l’approche terrain du LADYSS. C’est sur cette dynamique que se renforcent des démarches ancrées dans l’économie politique institutionnaliste, faisant référence à une lecture de l’économie au sein des sciences sociales plutôt que comme discipline autonomisée, ce qui donne une nouvelle orientation aux approches interdisciplinaires. L’insertion des problématiques d’économie politique vient enrichir notamment les manières de penser les phénomènes de mondialisation, de transition, de formes régionales de capitalisme ou la structuration de l’entreprise. Enfin, plus récemment un collectif de géographes de la santé a intégré le Ladyss venant nourrir l’interdisciplinarité avec l’apport de la sphère médicale, de la santé publique.
Les recherches actuellement menées par le LADYSS visent à rendre compte des processus d’ancrage spatial des individus et des groupes sociaux, des démarches de construction de l’action (collective, mais aussi publique), à différentes échelles (locale, régionale et internationale), dans des contextes très variés, depuis des espaces ruraux faiblement peuplés jusqu’aux cœurs métropolitains et aux espaces périurbains. L’étude des changements sociaux, politiques et économiques qui portent ces processus est aussi déclinée en travaux empruntant une démarche plus globale dont l’objet est de caractériser les changements environnementaux et les formes différenciées de capitalismes.
Les défis dont le LADYSS entend se saisir portent sur la compréhension des transformations sociales et environnementales, et sur les réponses qu’individus et groupes sociaux cherchent à y apporter. Le LADYSS entend poursuivre comme creuset de son identité de recherche le lien au local, demeurant attentif aux démarches et résultats de l’action publique et de l’action collective. Dans la poursuite de son orientation sur les relations sociétés/environnement, le laboratoire porte une attention soutenue aux processus de globalisation et à leurs effets sur les populations et les milieux. Son identité historique se projette dans une relation science/société construite et pensée par allers/retours entre chercheurs et divers acteurs qui façonnent, gèrent, transforment, s’approprient les territoires. Les démarches de recherche qu’il investit s’ouvrent à différentes formes de mobilisation et d’agir collectif. La démarche collective du LADYSS repose sur trois Transversalités qui permettent une problématisation commune à l’ensemble du Laboratoire.
ED 624 - Sciences des sociétés |
Dual-Action Nanohybrid Materials for Photothermal Therapy and Targeted Drug Delivery
Laboratoire ITODYS UMR 7086, Equipe Sustainable Materials for Life (SML) - département D3 |
ED 388 - Chimie physique et Chimie analytique de Paris centre |
Regulation and role of NOX1 in colon organoids of healthy individuals and patients with inflammatory Bowel disease in response to the microbiota and its derived metabolites.
INSERM U1149-EMR8252 Centre de Recherche sur l’Inflammation.
Team "Phagocytes and NADPH‐Oxidases in Iinflammation", Current team leader: Jamel El-BENNA (until end of 2024)
Starting January 1, 2025, team leader: Pham My-Chan DANG (approved by INSERM and HCERES wave D) |
ED 562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité |
Root systems, global Lie theory and the irregular Deligne--Simpson problem
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG), UMR7586, Equipe Groupes, Représentations et Géométrie |
ED 386 - Sciences Mathématiques de Paris-Centre |
Harnessing knowledge on mechanisms of Biliary Atresia from cutting edge genomic analyses to functional studies in patient derived organoid models
INSERM U1151/CNRS UMR 8253, Institute Necker Enfants Malades (INEM,
Laboratory of Nutrient Sensing Mechanisms ( |
ED 562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité |
Identification of ASD Subtypes Using Subtype and Stage Inference Algorithm and Exploration of the Relationship Between ASD Subtypes and Sleep Disorders
UMR 1141 NeuroDiderot
Equipe NeoPhen/SleepCMD
Hôpital Robert Debré
ED 158 - Cerveau, Cognition, Comportement |
Multiscale modeling of soft fibrous tissue
The laboratory of Osteoarticular Biology, Bioengineering and Bioimaging (B3OA) UMR CNRS 7052 INSERM U1271 is affiliated with the CNRS Ingénierie , with the INSERM , with the Paris Cité University and with the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort . Since its creation in 1977, the laboratory has developed a renowned expertise in repair and imaging of skeletal tissues. Based on its experience, the B3OA’s mission is to deliver world-class research and education on osteo-articular bioengineering and imaging.
ED 561 - Hématologie, Oncogénèse et Biothérapies |
Multimodal Transcriptomic and Liquid Biopsy Approaches to Predict Prognosis and Chemotherapy Response in Stage II and III Colon Cancer
INSERM UMR-S 1138, Eq 26-Pr Laurent-Puig
Médecine Personnalisée, Pharmacogénomique et Optimisation Thérapeutique |
ED 563 - Médicament,Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries |
Deciphering the molecular control of “Th17-like” innate alpha beta T cell subset development
Université de Paris, Institut de Recherche Saint Louis (IRSL), Inserm U1160- Ecotaxie, Microenvironnement, et Développement Lymphocytaire-EMiLy-
Equipe 2- Développement et fonction thymique
ED 561 - Hématologie, Oncogénèse et Biothérapies |
Figures du retour dans la littérature sinophone contemporaine – lecture des œuvres de Huang Ching-shu (1967-), Chang Kuei-hsing (1956-), Li Zishu (1971-) et d’autres écrivains sino-malaysiens
CRCAO / UMR 8155 |
ED 131 - Langue, Littérature, Image, civilisations et sciences humaines |
Le renouveau du confucianisme dans les campagnes chinoises
IFRAE (Institut Français de Recherches sur l'Asie de l'Est), UMR 8043 (Université Paris Cité, Inalco, CNRS). Le doctorant recruté sera intégré dans l'axe 3 de l'équipe. |
ED 131 - Langue, Littérature, Image, civilisations et sciences humaines |
Nutrient-Sensitive Myeloid Cells Orchestrate Tissue Immune Response in Health and in Diabetes
Institut Necker des Infants Malades,
Université Paris Cité
IMunity and Metabolism of DIABetes (IMMEDIAB)
ED 562 - Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité |
Engineering on-surface metal-molecule coordination at the sub-molecular level by STM
ITODYS, UMR 7086, Université Paris Cité (Paris 7)
l' équipe Nanoelectrochimie et electronique moleculaire |
ED 388 - Chimie physique et Chimie analytique de Paris centre |